Funny how God uses the simplest things to teach life lessons. So I was sitting in the turning lane with a red arrow at the corner of Lenox and Peachtree on the way to Lenox Mall. As I was sitting in traffic the thought came to my mind that life seems like this. All the cars to the right of me had the green light and were able to go, but I was stuck in front of a red arrow light waiting for my turn. Sometimes in life, it seems like everyone else has something new or cool going on in their life. It could be a new job, marriage, house, whatever. It’s easy to look over into someone else’s lane wishing you could get the “green light” as well but check this out. If you decided to go ahead and “go” before the light turned green it would be a catastrophe. Like seriously, you’d be in an accident. In the same way, God is like the traffic light and our life is like the cars. Some people have been given the “green light” for certain things in life and others are waiting. It’s rare that one always has the green light. Eventually we all have to “wait.” But while we are waiting we aren’t to sit and sulk wishing we had the “green light.” And moving before it’s time would be a mess simply because it’s not time! Just like a bad collision would be caused by moving at a red arrow light, a catastrophe can be caused by moving ahead of God’s timing. Be preparing yourself to move when it’s time too. Stay alert! Just like you would at a traffic light. That way when it is time to move you’ll be ready. Oh! And people won’t honk at you telling you to go. Lol! 🙂
About Jones LaRonda
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