Do It
It’s interesting to me how much information we receive on a daily basis. There are so many how to videos, articles, and books out nowadays that you can pretty much gain access to anything you want to learn with the snap of a finger. The abundance of information on many topics is limitless. As I was researching something on the internet one day, I ran across a concept called “The Cone of Learning” by Edgar Dale that caught my attention. In a nutshell, the idea behind the concept is that we retain less of what we read, hear, or see; and more of what we say, do, or teach. As I was reviewing the diagram associated with this concept, I immediately thought about how it not only applies to learning in general but it also applies to spiritual maturity as a Christian as well. On average, a typical Christian attends church every Sunday or so to hear a word from the preacher. But is this enough?
The Bible tells us in James 1:22 that “we must not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive ourselves. Do what it says.” Going to church is good because the Word tells us that we should not neglect our meeting together (Hebrews 10:25). Church is also a place that can aid us in growing in our faith. Romans 10:17 tells us that “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” So going to church is good! Though church should not be the only place we are spiritually fed because we should also “study to shew thyself approved unto God.” (2 Timothy 2:15a). According to the “Cone of Learning” diagram, we retain the least amount of information, estimated to be under 10%, that is received in lectures (which seems to be the teaching style of most preachers). Yes, that’s right…under 10%. Imagine how dangerous it would be if someone only knew 10% of the information associated with driving. If they knew how to press the button on the key fob to open the car but had no idea how to start the car, reverse it, park it, or use any other features in the car, yet alone drive it! Not to mention that the car has an operator’s manual in the glove compartment yet they never bothered to read it. This is analogous to our life as Christians. God has given us everything we need for life similar to how most cars come with an operator’s manual. You can sit and hear lectures about a Ferrari or read all the books you want, but until you drive one or teach someone else how to drive one you won’t get the full experience. In like manner, going to church and just hearing a good sermon from a preacher or merely just reading the Word isn’t enough. We have to put it into action and do what it says. As we mature in Christ, there should be an increase of saying, doing, and teaching God’s Word. I think of Hebrews 5:12-14 where Paul says,
“In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”
Can you imagine putting time and effort into teaching someone something to then only have to go back later and teach the exact same thing? Someone of you have done this and know the frustration associated with this. We as Christians should never be content with being stagnant in our spiritual walk. We should continue growing and striving to be as much like Christ as possible. It’s interesting that many times we’ll hear someone say that a person is strong in their faith if they are fluent in the Word but spiritual maturity isn’t measured by how much of the Word you know. Geez…the devil himself knows the Word. Don’t believe me? Check out Matthew 4. But it is obedience to the Word of God that is a measure of spiritual maturity. If we look at Matthew 4 we can learn from Jesus dealing with temptation from the devil in the wilderness. Each time Jesus was tempted by the devil, He responded with a scripture. Jesus not only knew the Word though, He acted in obedience to it and He knew how to rightfully apply it. He wasn’t easily deceived. I want to encourage you to continue to be in environments to see, hear, and read The Word of God. But not only that. Let’s go beyond that and actually do and even teach what it says. This is what is pleasing to Our Heavenly Father! I triple dog dare you to DO IT!
Count The Cost
Perfect Timing
Have you ever wondered how the timing of some things seem to work out perfectly? Like that moment when you’re in a rush and someone is backing out of a front row parking spot in a crowded lot…or when you run into the exact person you needed to meet to accomplish a goal…or when you just so happen to get all green lights going from one place to another during normal rush hour traffic? Okay maybe the last one was a bit of a stretch but there is this incredible sense of awesomeness when things do work out and seem to be timed perfectly.
I had the opportunity to do an outreach with the young adult ministry at my church a few months ago. Every now and then, we do an outreach where we go out into the community and pass out free gas cards and share the love of Christ 🙂 I had participated in a couple of these outreaches at other times in the past and it was a very eye-opening experience. God revealed a lot to me through ministering to others but this particular time during the gas card outreach, God spoke to me and reminded me of His awesomeness and of who He is in a way that I will never forget.
This particular day of doing the gas card outreach was beyond AMAZING!!! We gathered at the church to meet up with our small group and received the location of the gas stations where we planned to pass away free gas cards. Once everyone arrived, we bought a lot of gas cards (it’s pretty cool how much can be done when we put all of our resources together). After purchasing the gas cards, we prayed as a group and then went out to start gifting people with free gas cards and sharing the love of Christ. But before this awesomeness even started we experienced a road block and was told that we could not pass out the free gas cards. It was considered soliciting there. At first I was like, “We’re not soliciting!” Then I realized that we were soliciting Jesus 🙂 In the midst of this situation, the Holy Spirit reminded me that Jesus was also rejected. We weren’t experiencing anything that He hadn’t already experienced. “What’s the next move?…What are we going to do with all these gas cards?…Couldn’t they have told us this before we made our purchase?” These are some of the thoughts that went racing through my mind. Despite our little road block we were determined to keep going and find another location to bless people.
Our next stop was at another gas station not too far from the first one. We pulled into the parking lot and saw that it was already full because another small group from our church was there. Looking around, we noticed other establishments near this gas station so we ventured out a little in hopes of blessing someone. I went with a group of about five people from my small group to a nearby restaurant. After we entered and explained what we were doing, we gave all of the staff gas cards, told them of God’s love for them, and prayed together. Before we left though, I noticed a man sitting by himself in the corner so I went over to give him a free gas card and tell Him of God’s love for him. He literally asked about five times, “What do I owe you?” After repeating that it was free he just said, “I don’t understand, but Thank You!” When I think of God’s love for us I don’t understand it either honestly! It’s mind-blowing but I Thank You Lord! This reminded me of how we can’t repay Christ for the sacrifice He made for us. It’s a gift!
Now this part is AMAZING!!! So our small group still had more free gas cards to give away so we visited one last store that night. When we shared our experience amongst our small group at the end of the night, a few people mentioned how they went inside the last store looking for people to bless but other people from our small group kept approaching the people they were about to approach. Eventually, they saw this family with two little kids and approached them. After talking for a while, they discovered that the family had literally just prayed for gas money and BOOM! Prayer answered! God’s timing is perfect!! This reminded me that rejection can be a setup for a better blessing…for God’s best! Rejection can be redirection! When one door closes another opens! Rejection from another person, school, job, or whatever could be a setup for something even better! The rejection we received at the first location was a setup for the divine appointment of blessing the family at the last store. God placed us exactly where we needed to be so that He could use us. Although we initially didn’t understand everything that was going on when we experienced our first little setback, looking at the night overall, all the pieces fit together perfectly like a puzzle. Everything literally does work together for our good (Romans 8:28)! Be encouraged! God’s timing is perfect!! 🙂
Hot or Cold
It was a cool morning one day as I was on the way to one of my college classes. The winter weather finally seemed like it was about to leave and the Spring was just beginning. I took a scenic route to class this particular day to get a different view of the campus since many new buildings were being constructed. As I was on the way, I passed by someone that had on fur boots and shorts. Interestingly, the indecisiveness conveyed by their attire brought to mind Revelation 3:16 which says, “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” At first, I thought it was kind of random that God would bring that scripture to mind but as I kept walking to class God revealed to me that the attire was representative of what a lukewarm person looks like. I was so confused when I saw the persons attire. In my mind I was literally thinking, “Pick one! It’s either hot outside or it’s cold outside! Not both!” Meditating on Revelation 3:16 I stopped in my tracks, examined myself as Paul suggests in 2 Corinthians 13:5 and asked the question, “Am I lukewarm?” How could one possibly be lukewarm? The same way a person can be religious and not have a relationship with God. In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus says, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” If this verse isn’t a wake up call I don’t know what is. God desires relationship with us! And when you really think about who He is it’s amazing that He is even mindful of us (Psalm 8:3-4). I encourage you to examine your life as well. Are you tolerant or in agreement with the very things that Christ sacrificed His life for? Have you become complacent in regards to the things of God? If so, repent and be all in for Him! He loves you so much and truly desires to be number one in your life.
No Limits
A person and I were talking about miracles today. Particularly, we were talking about the 2016 Olympics and how it would take a miracle for me to win a gold medal in swimming now since I haven’t competitively swam in years. I said, “Yes! I can pray for a miracle!” Then he said, “That’s a selfish prayer for a miracle that can be used on something else.” I responded, “There’s no limit to miracles! There’s no cap!” I said this to support my claim of it not being selfish or wasteful to pray for that particular miracle. He then said, “There is a cap on miracles or else we would see them all the time!” WOW!!! His response had my mind spinning. The person I was speaking with is not a believer yet but in a sense he’s right. We place a cap on God! We limit Him! Does it wreck you to see the power Jesus walked in during His ministry on earth and even that the disciples walked in throughout the book of Acts; and to know that Christ said we will do GREATER works than Him? ( John 14:12) If you compare the power that they walked in to what many of us see around ourselves today it in no way even compares! Man, imagine how differently this world would look if we really took the limits off of God. This makes me also think of the verse in Matthew 13:58 that says Jesus only did a few miracles in his hometown because of their lack of faith. Jesus was walking around teaching with authority, healing, and casting out demons but this group of people, His own hometown, lacked faith in Him. Seriously? God is so real and far more powerful than we could ever imagine! Let’s take the limits off and change the world!
Tag…You’re It!
Tag…You’re it! Remember hearing these words as a child…Hiding behind a tree praying that no one would see you? Your heart is pounding fast as you raced to base hoping that you could out run the person that was trying to catch you. I loved getting together with a group of friends and playing Hide-N-Go Seek! Good times! It’s amazing how God brought to mind the phrase “Tag…You’re It” as I was chatting with a friend. I had been searching for a bible study to join and was getting frustrated because I couldn’t find one. After visiting a couple bible studies and not quite finding what I was looking for, I decided that I would just study the Word myself. Don’t get me wrong. Studying during personal time with God is beyond amazing but there’s just something special about getting together with others and just digging into God’s Word. During the last bible study that I visited, I heard God say to me, “At what point do you know enough? Why don’t you start teaching others?” All along I was trying to rely on what I knew instead of relying on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me. There are gaps all around us that need to be filled. After chatting with my friend, I realized that God was chasing me and saying, “Tag…You’re It. You’re the person I want to fill this gap…You’re the person I’ve chosen to serve in this capacity….Tag…I’m It.” There are so many ways that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus! I was reading John 4 where Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman. Midway through the chapter, after the disciples urged Jesus to eat something, he responds in verses 34-38 by saying:
“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”
-John 4:34-38 NIV
There are fields with ripe harvest all around us. Maybe you have noticed a need to serve the homeless or a need for a tutoring program in your community. Whatever it is there is plenty of work to be done. God has called everyone to serve in a particular capacity. Although you may not have a clear direction as of yet, please know this – God knows the plans and thoughts He has for you. They are plans to prosper, give you hope, and establish a great future (Jeremiah 29:11). God equips those whom have been called and He will order your steps. Tag…YOU are it!
Jesus is Alive
So I dressed up the other day and a friend kept asking, ‘Do you have a date tonight?’ I was like, ‘Yea with Jesus!’ Then another friend said,’I’m sure you don’t want to go out somewhere with a guy all beat up with thorns in his head.’ His response made me sad honestly because I realized that his view of Jesus was far different than mine. When he said this I quickly realized that many people have an inaccurate portrayal of Jesus. I asked myself the question, ‘Why is this? Why do so many people think of Christ as being dead…defeated…disgusting…still on the cross?’ Then the thought came to mind that maybe the reason so many people aren’t able to see Christ the way I see Him is because we as Christians may not be doing the best job of showing who He is. If we walk around acting like we’re defeated and say we are representatives of Christ then of course people are going to think that about The One whom we represent. We are to be lights for Jesus! We are ambassadors for Christ and we are more than conquerors! MORE than conquerors! Others should know who He is because they know us and we know Him. If we know Christ and are in Him as His Word instructs we will bear much fruit. Fruit draws people to Christ! My prayer is that more people will see Jesus as Alive and Powerful!
Are you ready?
The story of Noah and how God instructed him to build the boat reminds me of the storms we face in life. Whether you are able to survive the storm or not depends on your obedience to God. Build your boat before the storm comes. How? By seeking Him. Remaining in Him. By studying and obeying His Word. It rained, or the storm lasted, for 40 days and nights in the story of Noah. This represents the number for trials and tribulations in the Bible. The boat represents our foundation or our trust in God. As the storm waters rise you too will be able to float safely on the surface like the boat in the story of Noah if you are adequately prepared. Imagine trying to build a boat with rising waters…yea a mess. God gave Noah detailed instructions for building the boat before it even starting raining. If he would have decided to do his own thing he would have drowned along with his family. God gave us detailed instructions for surviving as well…His Word! It’s interesting how our obedience to the Word also has an impact on our families (or future families).
Lenox and Peachtree
Funny how God uses the simplest things to teach life lessons. So I was sitting in the turning lane with a red arrow at the corner of Lenox and Peachtree on the way to Lenox Mall. As I was sitting in traffic the thought came to my mind that life seems like this. All the cars to the right of me had the green light and were able to go, but I was stuck in front of a red arrow light waiting for my turn. Sometimes in life, it seems like everyone else has something new or cool going on in their life. It could be a new job, marriage, house, whatever. It’s easy to look over into someone else’s lane wishing you could get the “green light” as well but check this out. If you decided to go ahead and “go” before the light turned green it would be a catastrophe. Like seriously, you’d be in an accident. In the same way, God is like the traffic light and our life is like the cars. Some people have been given the “green light” for certain things in life and others are waiting. It’s rare that one always has the green light. Eventually we all have to “wait.” But while we are waiting we aren’t to sit and sulk wishing we had the “green light.” And moving before it’s time would be a mess simply because it’s not time! Just like a bad collision would be caused by moving at a red arrow light, a catastrophe can be caused by moving ahead of God’s timing. Be preparing yourself to move when it’s time too. Stay alert! Just like you would at a traffic light. That way when it is time to move you’ll be ready. Oh! And people won’t honk at you telling you to go. Lol! 🙂